Not everyone is into a porn-sized package. Some people prefer to keep things a little more realistic, and that's where Average Joe comes in. This line features dildos that are similar to what average men are.
It's been our experience at MUF that sometimes the eyes are bigger than the stomach. Sure, the idea of a 10 inch dong sounds appealing, but the reality of it is not for the faint of heart. That's a bigger than you think. Men order them for their wives and girlfriends all the time. And yes, we get calls from those men telling us the ladies thought there we nuts for choosing something so big. Women, too, are quilty of ordering larger than necessary. We always tell our customers take out a ruler or meauring tape and really get an idea of size. Don't order more than you can eat.
Don't get us wrong. The desire for girth has kept us in business for a long time. Our point is bigger is not always the answer. You might want to give the Average Joe a try. You might really like him.
Check out
Average Joe.
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